Aboblist.com will strive to provide well researched and expert suggestions from top prepper and survival experts on bug out bags, survival gear and survival items.
Click on a question to jump to the answer:
A. What is a Bug Out Bag?
B. Why do I need a Bug Out Bag?
C. Who should have a Bug Out Bag?
D. Do I buy a ready-made Bug Out Bag or Do it Myself?
E. Are there different types of Bug Out Bags?
F. What items or gear should be in my Bug Out Bags or Kit?
G. How to read the Bug Out Bag List
H. How much do ready-made Bug Out Bags cost?
I. Where do I store or keep my Bug Out Bags/Kit or gear?
J. How much do ready-made Bug Out Bags weigh?
K. Where can I buy Bug Out Bags/Kits or gear?
L. How much should I pack in my Bug Out Bag?
M. What obscure items are listed in the Bug Out Bug List?
N. Dictionary: Survival Words or Phrases
A. What is a Bug Out Bag?
A Bug Out Bag (BOB) is an emergency kit that contains the essential survival items you would need during a natural or man-made disaster, crisis or event.
B. Why do I need a Bug Out Bag?
There are both natural and man-made disasters that can occur suddenly and without warning. The reason for having a well equipped bug out bag (BOB) whether an Everyday Carry (EDC), Get Home Bag (GHB) or a 72 hr. variety, is to provide you with the necessary supplies and gear to get you either home or a more secured location safely.
C. Who should have a Bug Out Bag?
When a crisis situation arises, the Bug Out Bag can be the difference between life or death. All members of your family (even pets) regardless of age or size should have a suitable BOB and kit ready made or assembled. If possible, other family or friends, especially those living alone, should also have fully equipped BOBs (with escape plans) just in case they are faced with a potential calamity.
D. Do I buy a ready-made Bug Out Bag or Do it Myself?
There is debate whether or not a one should build their own BOB or have a ready-made version. I have an article that addresses this question. I personally advocate purchasing ready-to-go Bug Out Bags and add missing items or replace items of higher quality or that expire. Whether you chose to do either or remember the old say, “it is better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it.”
E. Are there different types of Bug Out Bags?
Yes, There are 3 basic types of Bug Out Bags:
1. Everyday Carry Kit or Gear (EDC) Emergency items you carry daily on your body, purse, pockets and jacket to use for any immediate threat
2. Get Home Bag (GHB) A small emergency bag or kit with enough essential items to last 1 to 2 days. The GHB is kept at a work station, school locker or car. You use it to get home or to reach a safer location site.
3. 72 hour/3 Day Bug Out Bag
Backpack bag containing a large quantity of emergency preparedness items enough for at least 3 days. This fully equipped bag is stored at home to be used in case of an evacuation to grab and go to a safer location.
*There is a Bug Out Vehicle Bag that is prepared and stored in or on a Bug Out Vehicle (BOV), a vehicle you would use to evacuate from your home. The contents of the bag not only contain additional emergency preparedness supplies, but vehicle repair items to use in case of breakdown.
F. What items or gear should be in my Bug Out Bags or Kit?
My main page provides a Bug Out Bag List that has been thoroughly researched using the examples and suggestions made by numerous survival and emergency preparedness experts on the appropriate and right items and supplies you should buy.
G. How to read the Bug Out Bag List
The Bug Out Bag List on the Main Page was put together by compiling the emergency/survival/prepper items or gear mentioned by experts in the field of survivalism and emergency preparedness.
Understanding The Legend/Key
1. This states the number of times a particular item was mentioned by the experts in all of the documents I read. The more it was mentioned the higher level of importance it reached.
2. The color code was used to organize the items into 3 levels of importance.
3. The quality of emergency preparedness found on the list are placed into 3 classes: Priority Items, Urgent Items and Important Items (try to get items from the top of the list first then work down the list)
Each item is organized under one of the following categories
(each category is in exact order of importance)
1. Shelter Clothing
2. Fire & Light
3. Documents/Informational
4. Signaling Communication
5. Navigation
6. Water
7. Food
8. First Aid/Personal Meds./Hygiene
9. Safety/Protection
10. Miscellaneous
The order of the categories was determined using 3 major documents on emergency preparedness
H. How much do ready-made Bug Out Bags cost?
The average cost for each type of Bug Out Bag was determined by selecting and calculating the cost of 15 random bags/kits for each bag type found on Amazon.
*Everyday Carry Pocket Survival Kit: $40
*Get Home Bag: $73
*72 Hour/3 Day: $273
I. Where do I store or keep my Bug Out Bags/Kit or gear?
Each type of Bug Out Bag you purchase or assemble is meant to be stored in places/locations you are most likely to be during the moment an emergency or crisis situation occurs.
Everyday Carry Pocket Survival Kit/Gear (on your body or clothing daily) Get Home Bag (work station, school locker, car)
72 Hr./3 Day Bag (at home in a secure place)
J. How much do ready-made Bug Out Bags weigh?
The average weight for each type of Bug Out Bag was determined by selecting and calculating the weight of 15 random bags/kits for each bag type found on Amazon.
*Everyday Carry Pocket Survival Kit: 11 oz.
*Get Home Bag: 7 lbs.
*72 Hour/3 Day: 20 lbs
K. Where can I buy Bug Out Bags/Kits or gear?
Although ABobList conveniently provides charts and links to emergency preparedness items at your fingertips, you can find gear and survival supplies at stores like
✓ Walmart
✓ Dicks Sporting Goods
✓ Sports Authority
✓ Wise Food Storage (sell pre-made BOBs)
✓ Amazon
L. How much should I pack in my Bug Out Bag?
It is not how many items you buy but how much does it all weigh. Remember you will need to carry all your survival gear. Before you start filling up your bag or kit be careful! Overweight bags oftentimes lead to physical health issues for the individual. Keep in mind the maximum amount of weight of your overall backpack should not exceed the suggested weight amount below Medical studies suggest weight for your backpack should not exceed; Adult in good condition: 30% of their overall body weight Adult with health issues: 25% Children: 15%
M. What obscure items are listed in the Bug Out Bug List?
The following provides further useful info. on items mentioned in the BOB list.
1.Shelter & Clothing
Emergency Bivy (an extremely lightweight waterproof shelter used by climbers)
Fleece (covering or material made from wool)
Insulated Vest (vest designed to hold heat close to your skin and keep cold air away)
Mosquito Netting (a fine mesh designed to keep insects out)
Quick Dry Cloth (material that keeps you cool and dry when sweating)
(scarf used by the military in protecting the neck, face and head from the elements)
Blow Tube (tube used in focusing air to feed your fire)
Cotton Balls w Petroleum (soaked cotton balls ignite quickly with lit flame)
Fire Paste (odorless and tasteless goo dabbed on tinder to ignite quick fire)
Magnesium Fire Starter and Striker (flat serrated steel piece one smacks against flint rod to cause a spark to ignite tinder)
Micro Photon Flashlight (miniature and lightweight flashlight is an effective lighting source)
3.Documents/Informational Items
Counter Mobility Guide (discusses efforts to hinder enemy movements and avoid capture)
Defense Combat Skill Guide (typically covers self defense, weapon retention, hand to hand combat and non lethal techniques)
[easyazon_link asin=”B00EVU9CB8″ locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”aboblist-20″]Ground to Air Signal Guide[/easyazon_link] (card illustrating how to create symbols or forming images seen in the air using ones own body or make use of materials available in your immediate environment)
Laminated Instructional Cards (provides survival and emergency preparedness tips and strategies)
Universal Edible Test (practical tests used to determine if a plant is safe to eat)
Cell Phone Booster (device to amplify your cell phone signal in a remote area)
Squeeze Light (LED light that is activated by pinching plastic casing of flashlight)
Two-way Radio (similar to a walkie talkie allows to communicate with others on the same frequency)
Compass Protractor (a mathematical tool used to plot points on a map)
Navigation Magnet (magnet used to magnetize a needle to create a simple compass)
Pace Beads (counting tool to manually keep track of distance traveled)
Electrolyte Tablets (dis-solvable tabs to replenish ions needed for proper bodily functions)
[easyazon_link asin=”B00IMMWW7C” locale=”US” new_window=”default” nofollow=”default” tag=”aboblist-20″]Fishing Tackle Vial[/easyazon_link] (compact mini plastic tube that contains fishing gear to carry in your pocket)
Betadine-Iodide(antiseptic to clean cuts or to purify water)
Latex Tubing (to use as a straw or siphon to get water from an open source)
Pre-Filter Sheath (used in aqua pouch filtration system to clean water)
Steam Thermometer (used to measure the temperature needed for water purification)
Water Bladder (allows for easy transport with an attached bite valve to drink fluid while walking)
Army Can Opener (called a P38/P51 it is small and lightweight that can be attached to a key chain. It is recognizable by its tooth like hinge)
British Mess Tin (a rectangular metal dish with a folding handle forming part of a mess kit)
Connibear Trap (a wire device made to kill small animal by snapping its neck)
Condiments (substances such as mustard, salt or hot sauce to complement or flavor food)
Energy Booster (powder,pill or food product used in igniting energy level and or boosting metabolism)
Non-Perishable Food (foods such as canned foods, peanut butter, or drink powders that are not subject to quick decay or deterioration)
Meals Ready to Eat (MREs) (complete 2000 calorie meal with drink, snack, condiments and a heating unit to warm food pouch)
Snare Wire (an anchored cable shaped into a noose to catch small game to eat)
Spork (a hybrid eating utensil with one end a fork and spoon at the other)
Yo-Yo Fish Trap (a mechanical spring reel that is triggered to recoil when a fish takes the bait hooking it to the fish line)
8.First Aid/Personal Med/Hygiene
Blood Stop (material placed on top of wound to stop bleed and provide a protective layer to optimize wound healing)
CPR Shield (device to deliver air to the patient safely and hygienically during cardiac or respiratory arrest)
Dramamine (medicine use to combat nausea)
Quik Clot (blood clotting gauze bandage used for serious bleeding situations)
Steri-Strip(very thin adhesive strip used to close small wounds by pulling the skin together from the sides of the wound site)
Tourniquet (tight bandage or cord used to compress and stop a bleeding limb)
Trauma Kit (contains the necessary medical supplies needed to stabilize an injured person until appropriate medical care can be provided)
9.Safety & Protection
Pellet Gun (weapon that shoots out pellets by compressed air)
Sharpening Stone (used to grind and hone the edge of a knife, ax, scissors, razors, etc…)
Trekking Pole (provides stability over rough terrain for hikers. also can be used as a weapon)
Whetstone (similar to a sharpening stone)
Crowbar (a narrow iron bar used as a lever, opening device or weapon)
Collapsible Basin (sink that folds making for easy storage)
Desiccant Card (card that absorbs dampness away from moisture sensitive item)
Dry Sack (waterproof and lightweight bag used to protect gear from rain or water exposure)
Flex Cuff (similar to handcuffs, used in restraining the wrist of an assailant)
Jigsaw Blades (tool with a serrated edge used for cutting)
Magnetized Sewing Needle (charging up a needle with a magnet then suspending it in a water solution making it into a compass)
Mini Multi-tool (portable item that has various tool pieces together as an all in one unit)
Moleskin Adhesive Patch (an adhesive patch used on areas of the body to prevent blisters)
Paracord (rope made of nylon having multiple survival uses and functions)
N. Dictionary: Survival Words or Phrases
These are words commonly used in the world of emergency preparedness and survivalism.
“Bug In”
To stay at your current location which under the circumstance provides a level of safety during a time of crisis
“Bug Out”
To retreat or leave from your immediate surroundings to another safer location.
“Bug Out Location (BOL)”
A planned predetermined location or place chosen for its safety, security and ability to provide necessary resources for a short to long term duration.