What is a Shemagh Scarf? Before we begin discussing how to use a shemagh scarf, it is a good idea to what it is. A shemagh scarf is actually not the original name of this type of head wrapping, in...
Category: Tips/Tactics
How to Build a Fallout Shelter in Your Basement (Before the Bombs Go Off)
Have you ever wondered, how to build a fallout shelter in your basement? Or if building your own fallout shelter is too difficult? Well, during the 1950’s hundreds and thousands of Americans built...
Water is the most important thing humans need. Our anatomy dictates that without water, for longer than 2 days, our human bodies will cease to function correctly. In a survival situation, how much...
Modern day humans have so many items it is seldom possible to know how everything works. We go about our lives every day using items that we generally think we understand, but in actuality have no...
The Best Place To Store Cash (4 Places You Never Thought Of)
If you work hard for your money, chances are you understand the value and worth of paycheck or cash that you earn. When you break a sweat and bust your butt for the money that you make, you likely...
When determining what foods to store while preparing for the future, it’s critical to hold onto foods that are packed with calories, vitamins, protein, and more. These foods will provide with the...