Going off to college is an extremely commendable achievement. Choosing to better yourself by continuing your education past high school is something that should be praised. While most of your time will be spent hitting the books and studying hard, you’ll also want to ensure that you’re outfitted with the best tools possible to defend you and your belongings. To be able to do it, you need to have the best self-defense products for college students.
Although most colleges take big steps in ensuring that their campuses are as safe as can be, trouble can still crop up from time to time. We’ve all seen one too many news headlines to know that this is the case, so what can you do to keep yourself as safe as can be from assailants, attackers, and predators?
Having survival/self-defense skills is a great step in the right direction, but along with this, we also recommend outfitting yourself with tools and weapons that can take these skills to the next level.
Without further ado, here are our 5 picks for the best self-defense weapons for college students.
1.Black Fly Tactical Pen Self-Defense Weapon
[amazon_link asins=’B01M6CW8DG’ template=’photo-only’ store=’aboblist-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’2f398939-ac6a-11e7-affe-0f6c7d0f8289′]
There are certain things that you’re bound to find on any college student — textbooks, pencils, notebooks, erasers, pens, etc. Because of this, that’s what makes the Black Fly Tactical Pen Self-Defense Weapon such a great pick for college students.
Since this weapon takes the form of a pen, no one will bother looking at it twice if they see you using it. At first glance, this looks like any old pen that just happens to be made out of aluminum. The textured grip offers great security over the pen, the clip allows you to attach it to a book, backpack, or clothes, and (of course) it functions as a really great pen for writing and note-taking.
However, along with the writing functionality, the Black Fly Tactical Pen also features a solid alloy glass-breaker tip that allows you to smash windows, glass, and also defend yourself against an oncoming attacker. This portion of the pen is hidden incredibly well, and the discrete nature of this whole thing is one of its strongest features.
Black Fly covers its tactical pen with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, and no matter if you’re male or female, it just makes sense to carry something like this.
2.SABRE 3-In-1 Pepper Spray Police Strength
[amazon_link asins=’B0007VM8UC’ template=’photo-only’ store=’aboblist-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’6cd7008f-ac6a-11e7-ac90-4f92ef77c9e3′]
Pepper spray is one of the most iconic self-defense weapons for college students, and if your main concern is having as much stopping power as possible, the SABRE 3-In-1 Pepper Spray Police Strength is for you.
From a design point of view, there’s nothing all that special here. This looks like a regular tube of pepper spray, and while it’s very compact and easy to hide, nobody will mistake it for anything else when it’s out in the open. This might come as either a pro or con depending on how you view that, so take it as you will.
SABRE’s pepper spray can shoot up to 10-feet away from you, and it offers a seriously impressive 35-burst rating per a single canister. Police forces all around the country are outfitted with this very product, and part of that is because it includes SABRE’s in-house formula that eliminates the 30% failure rate that is often found with competing products.
3.SABRE Red Lipstick Pepper Spray
[amazon_link asins=’B004LXFDJK’ template=’photo-only’ store=’aboblist-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’01ae07de-ac6b-11e7-a4eb-cd60af82d0d2′]
If you like the idea of having SABRE’s ultra-powerful pepper spray but want it in something that’s much more discrete and hidden, the company’s Red Lipstick Pepper Spray is for you. This is a self-defense tool that’s targeted towards the ladies specifically, but if you’re a female and want to have ample protection without calling attention to yourself, this is a phenomenal pick.
Even though we’re working with a different product, you still have access to SABRE’s in-house pepper spray formula. This means that you’ve got a ton of stopping power without the 30% failure rate, and you can expect a 10-foot spray distance with 10 bursts per canister.
However, rather than using the traditional pepper spray bottle design, SABRE has hidden this weapon into the form factor of a tube of lipstick. The look is very, very convincing, and no one will look twice when slipping this into a purse or makeup bag. Being able to comfortably carry around something with so much power in plain sight really is fantastic, and for this reason, SABRE absolutely knocked it out of the park.
4.VIPERTEK VTS-T03 Heavy Duty Stun Gun
[amazon_link asins=’B01FHIDVYQ’ template=’photo-only’ store=’aboblist-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’2d33ffb6-ac6b-11e7-97b5-c1db64b37a8f’]
Moving over to something that’s a bit more gender-neutral, the VIPERTEK VTS-T03 Heavy Duty Stun Gun is a self-defense weapon that provides a whole lot of kick and power while looking like a regular old flashlight.
The VTS-T03 is made out of a Type III aircraft-grade aluminum alloy body, and the anti-roll design means that you won’t ever have to worry about this thing rolling off of a table, counter, etc. The flashlight itself features a 100,000 hour bulb, and it works great for navigating through a dark hallway, parking lot, etc.
And, along with the flashlight, this also obviously works as a stun gun. The quick discharge helps you know right away once you’ve activated the trigger, and in our testing, the stun gun portion offers an enormous amount of kick — definitely enough to stop someone from trying to attack you.
5. Little Viper Pepper Spray Bracelet
[amazon_link asins=’B01MXWGZCN’ template=’photo-only’ store=’aboblist-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’5ffaa85c-ac6b-11e7-9ffb-03ea8a83839e’]
Our fifth and final pick for the best self-defense products for college students is the Little Viper Pepper Spray Bracelet. If you thought the SABRE Red lipstick pepper spray option was discrete, just wait until you see what Little Viper has to offer.
Taking the form of a generic wrist bracelet, the Little Viper Pepper Spray seamlessly blends into your day without any problems at all. There is a protrusion on the bracelet where the pepper spray container is, but in all honesty, you could easily pass this off as a fitness tracker in today’s world.
The bracelet is very comfortable to wear even for prolonged periods of time, and it comes in a variety of different colors. The 10% oleoresin capsicum rating means that you won’t have any issues stopping a perpetrator dead in their tracks with a single spray, and you’ll be able to shoot up to 3-feet away from you. That’s not quite as far as the two SABRE sprays on this list, but for close-quarters situations, this should offer more than enough range.
Final Thoughts
Self-defense is something that should be taken seriously all of the time, but this point is heightened even more when going throughout college. There may very likely come a time on campus when you need to defend yourself against someone evil, and these tools will help you to achieve just that.